Health and Wellness 

The Health and Wellness program blends community safety, good relationships, nutrition, and physical and mental wellness. Understanding how the body works as well as emotional control and social interaction are all included in this program. GYB members will understand the value of respecting and appreciating their own feelings as well as those of others and discover effective techniques to interact with peers.

Being aware and making decisions that lead to a healthy life constitute the active process of wellness. Every action we take and every feeling we experience are related to our well-being, which in turn has a direct impact on both.

Well-being and Mental Health

Understanding one's feelings and managing stress efficiently are two aspects of mental health and wellness. To further benefit from experiences and/or situations, it's critical to practice mindfulness, acquire the appropriate self-care routines, and cultivate emotional control, relaxation, and stress reduction.

Health and Wellness Physical

Physical wellness refers to keeping your body in good shape and getting help when you need it. Exercise, a healthy diet, appropriate sleep, and knowledge of sickness symptoms are all necessary for maintaining physical health. This component of our program also teaches participants who/when to call for help, as well as basic first aid.

Social Welfare

Building healthy social interactions and recognizing varying levels of personal space are both aided by social wellness. This facet of well-being enables individuals to not only create supportive relationships with peers and a social support system but also to apply these abilities in regular everyday encounters.